Guys often make the mistake of trying to figure out how to get to third base with a girl before they have even been given the green light to get to first. Before all of that other good stuff can happen, you have to deliver a first kiss that will blow her away. The problem […]
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There are few things as nerve wracking for a guy than that moment when they have to approach a woman they are interested in. Even the most confident of guys get that little twinge of fear that rejection might be coming in their very near future. The crippling nature of those thoughts can lead many […]
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- Attracting Women
- Tagged with : dating tips, how to approach women
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The average guy would deem a woman to be crazy of she were to profess her love for him after only knowing him for a short period of time. Despite those facts, those same guys will often make the very same mistake, basically smothering any woman that they deem to be hot. If your goal […]
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There is nothing more exciting than meeting a girl that makes your heart skip a beat every time you see her, but that skipping can quickly turn to a ferocious pounding when it comes time to ask her out. Never have the few words that need to be uttered to offer the invite, seemed so […]
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- Dating Tips For Men
- Tagged with : dating tips, how to ask a girl out
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